Fourways Gardens Residential Estate



1. This website, which is accessible at (“this website”), is made available by Fourways Gardens Home Owners Association (“the owner”).
2. The terms and conditions set out below, including any additional document incorporated by reference (“terms and conditions”), apply to any person who uses, accesses, refers to, or views any part of this website (which includes “you” or “your” including cognitive terms).
3. You hereby warrant that you have the legal capacity to enter into this agreement as these terms and conditions apply and are binding to persons 18 and older. If you are unsure whether you have the legal capacity to enter into this agreement, please consult with someone to assist you with this information before continuing to use this website.
4. Subject to clause 1.6 below, the page you are reading sets out the terms and conditions on which you may use, access, refer to, or view (individually and collectively referred to as “use”) this website and the information, content, products or services available on or through this website (“the website content”), whether or not the website content is provided by or belongs to the owner, its affiliates, subsidiaries, holding companies, partners, third-party providers or any other party. The website content includes but is not limited to any software, icons, text, graphics, images, sound clips, trade names, logos, designs, trade marks and service marks that are displayed on or incorporated in this website.
5. Once you have read these terms and conditions, your use of this website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions as outlined in terms of section 11 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002.
6. If you accept these terms and conditions, you must comply with all of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you will not be allowed to use this website and the website content, and you must immediately delete all copies of the website content in your possession or under your control. This includes, but is not limited to, any website content that has been copied or cached by you.
7. In addition to these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that the owner may at any time impose additional terms and conditions relating to any service, content, products, facilities or functionality that is made available by the owner, or the owner’s affiliates, subsidiaries, holding companies or partners, by way of this website or otherwise (“the additional terms and conditions”). If you wish to use these services, content, products, facilities, or functionality, you must agree to the additional terms and conditions.
8. You are allowed to print a copy of these terms and conditions. If you have any difficulty printing these terms and conditions or require assistance in obtaining a hard copy or electronic copy of these terms and conditions or of the additional terms and conditions, contact


1. Subject to the variations or amendments provided for in terms of clause 2.2 below, no other variation or amendment, in any form whatsoever, of these terms and conditions will be enforceable or binding on the owner unless the owner has agreed to such variation or amendment in writing.
2. The owner reserves the right without notice to change, modify, amend, add to or remove portions or whole parts of these terms and conditions from time to time permanently or temporarily. All updates and/or amendments to the terms and conditions are effective on the date the Provider publishes them on the Website.
3. The responsibility is on you to determine whether any updates and/or amendments have been made on these terms and conditions. The continued use of the website by the User after the updates and/or amendments have been made to the terms and conditions, has the effect of the User agreeing to be bound by the new terms and conditions.


1. Subject to these terms and conditions, and any additional terms and conditions, you may only use this website and the website content to view, refer to, or print this website and the website content for lawful personal and non-commercial purposes (“the permitted use”). The permitted use does not extend to the source code of this website or of the source code of any software or computer program that forms part of the website content.


1. You are not allowed to perform any act that is not fair use within the context of the scope of the permitted use or which has not been expressly approved by the owner in writing (“the prohibited acts”). The prohibited acts include but are not limited to:
1. Not to engage in any abuse of e-mail or spamming, including the posting or cross-posting of unsolicited articles with the same message (or substantially the same message) to an unacceptably high number of e-mail and newsgroup recipients where such messages are not specifically solicited;
2. Not to post or transmit any message, data, image or programme which is defamatory, or violates any other personality rights or carries a criminal sanction;
3. Not to post or transmit any message, data, image or programme which is illegal, offensive, threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful or hateful data, image or programme;
4. Not to post or transmit any message, data, image or programme which violates the intellectual property rights of the owner;
5. Not to post or transmit any file which contains viruses or any other destructive features, regardless of whether or not the User intends damage;
6. Not to gather e-mail addresses and/or names for commercial, political, charity or like purposes;
7. Not to violate the privacy of any person, which shall include but shall not be limited to “spoofing”, “hacking”, “flaming”, “cracking”, “phishing” or “spamming” or any other activity designed or aimed at achieving purposes similar or the same as the aforementioned acts;
8. Not to intercept any information transmitted to or from the owner or the website which is not to be received by that person;
9. Not to compromise or disrupt the security features whether directly or indirectly of the website;
10. Not to interfere or disrupt another user’s access to the website; and
11. Not to assist in any form or manner whether directly or indirectly contravene any provisions in these Terms and Conditions.
2. Should you engage in any of the above practices, the owner reserves the right to terminate, without notice, your access to the website.
3. These terms and conditions and any restrictions on the use of this website or the website content will also apply to any part of this website or the website content that is cached when using this website or the website content.
4. You must get the owner’s prior written approval if you wish to perform any of the prohibited acts, whether electronically or otherwise. Requests for approval must be submitted to The owner is entitled, in its sole discretion, to withhold or grant consent. The owner may also impose any conditions on any consent that is granted.
5. When printing the website or the website content, you must ensure that the following copyright notice appears prominently on every page that is printed: “Copyright Fourways Gardens Home Owners Association. All rights reserved.”
6. The owner may, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason and without prior written notice, suspend or terminate:
1. The operation of this website or any of the website content; or
2. Your right to use this website or any of the website content.
7. You may not transfer any rights granted to you in terms of these terms and conditions to any other person or entity.
8. The owner is allowed to grant the same, similar, additional or different rights to any other person or entity.
9. You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining all facilities, services, products and equipment that may be required by you for purposes of the permitted use.


1. Use of this website and the website content is entirely at your own risk.
2. Subject to the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 25 of 2002 and to the fullest extent allowed by law, the owner will not have any liability whatsoever in relation to this website and the website content. You hereby indemnify the owner against any loss, liability, expense, claim, penalty or damage, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising from your use of or reliance on this website or the website content, or any actions or transactions resulting therefrom, even if the owner has been advised of the possibility of such loss, liability, expense, claim, penalty or damages.
3. In addition to the general scope of clauses 5.1 and 5.2 above and to the fullest extent allowed by law, the owner will not be liable for any unavailability, interruption, downtime, malfunction, or failure of this website or the website content for any reason whatsoever.
4. For the purposes of this clause 5 and clause 7 below, any reference to the owner will be considered to also include the employees, officers, directors, representatives, agents, shareholders, affiliates, subsidiaries, holding companies, advisers, service providers, suppliers and content providers of the owner.


1. Any views or statements made or expressed on this website are not necessarily the views of the owner, the owner’s affiliates, subsidiaries, holding companies, partners, employees, officers, servants and/or agents.
2. This website and the website content are provided “as is” and is subject to change without notice.
3. Subject to the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, this website and the website content is provided without any representation or warranty whatsoever, whether express, implied, or statutory. This includes but is not limited to any representation or warranty as to the operation, integrity, compatibility, availability or functionality of this website or as to the operation, accuracy, completeness, integrity, compatibility, availability, functionality or reliability of the website content.
4. The owner also makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, that the website content is free of viruses, destructive materials or any other data or code that is able to corrupt, compromise, jeopardise, disrupt, disable, harm or otherwise impede in any manner the operation of a computer system, computer network, any handset or mobile device, or your hardware or software.
5. You accept all risk associated with the existence of such viruses, destructive materials or any other data or code that is able to corrupt, compromise, jeopardise, disrupt, disable, harm or otherwise impede in any manner the operation or content of a computer system, computer network, any handset or mobile device, or your hardware or software.
6. The owner does not accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions on this website or the website content.
7. You must not rely on any warranty or representation that allegedly induced you to agree to these terms and conditions unless the representation or warranty is recorded in these terms and conditions.
8. This website and the website content is not intended to, and does not, constitute advice or a recommendation of any nature at all in respect of, but not limited to, any institution, investment, service or product.


1. This website may contain references or links to other websites (“other websites”) and to the products, opinions, or services of third parties. These references or links are not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as an endorsement, recommendation, or affiliation to these other websites or the opinions, products, services or conduct of third parties. Your use of other websites or the products or services of third parties will be entirely at your risk.
2. Subject to the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act and to the fullest extent allowed by law, the owner is not responsible for any loss, liability, expense, claim, penalty or damage, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising from or related to the reliance on, use or attempted use of other websites or the opinions, products or services of third parties.
3. You may not make (and you may not allow any third party to make) any reference to the owner, this website or the website content, whether by way of a link or otherwise, where the reference could in any way be interpreted as an endorsement, affiliation, or recommendation by the owner in relation to you or a third party, or of your services, products, opinions or conduct or those of a third party.


1. The website content, including (without limitation) any software, icons, text, links, graphics, images, sound clips, trade names, logos, trade marks and service marks are protected by law, including but not limited to copyright, patent and trade mark law, and are the property of the owner and/or third parties. Any unauthorised use of the website content is prohibited.
2. Subject to clause 3 above, you will not acquire any right, title or interest in or to this website or the website content other than those rights expressly granted to you in these terms and conditions. Your rights of use are subject to these terms and conditions.
3. Where any of the website content has been licensed to the owner or belongs to any third party, your rights of use will also be subject to any terms and conditions imposed by that licensor or third party from time to time and you agree to comply with such third-party terms and conditions.


1. By using this website, you agree that these terms and conditions create a binding agreement between the owner and you, even though these terms and conditions are wholly or partly in the form of a data message. You agree specifically that:
1. The agreement will be treated as if it was concluded at the owner’s physical address detailed in clause 12.1 below on the date on that you first made any use of this website;
2. An electronic signature is not required by you or the owner for purposes of agreeing to these terms and conditions. You agree that by using this website or the website content this will be sufficient evidence of your agreement to these terms and conditions;
3. Any data message sent by you to the owner will be deemed to have been sent from the owner’s physical address detailed in clause 12.1. below if neither your usual place of business nor residence is located within the Republic of South Africa;
4. Any data message sent by the owner to you will be deemed to have been received by you at the owner’s physical address detailed in clause 12.1. below if neither your usual place of business nor residence is located within the Republic of South Africa;
5. Any communication sent to you by an information system programmed to operate automatically on behalf of the owner will not be a data message attributable to the owner or authorised by the owner;
6. Subject to clause 9.1.5 above and clause 12 below of these terms and conditions, a data message sent by you to the owner will only be treated as having been received by the owner when an acknowledgement of receipt is sent by the owner personally or a person who had authority to act on behalf of the owner in respect of that data message; and
7. This agreement will be interpreted and implemented in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa and you agree to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of South Africa.


1. Discussion forums and reader comment facilities (“the forums”) may, from time to time, be made available on the website.
2. By you posting or publishing any content on the forums, you:
1. Grant to the owner a non-exclusive, royalty free, irrevocable licence to use, publish, disseminate, distribute, reproduce, adapt, and/or sub-license such content on the website and/or to any of its affiliated publications and to use the content for, amongst others, its promotional, marketing and research purposes;
2. Acknowledge and agree that while the owner is unable to review all content posted in the forums, it reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to delete, edit or relocate any such content for any reason;
3. Acknowledge that should you disclose your personal information in any of the forums, your personal information may be viewed, collected, and/or used by any other party using the website. In such circumstances, you agree that the owner shall not be obliged to protect your personal information or any other interest in law or otherwise, and you indemnify the owner from any loss (whether direct, indirect or consequential) you may suffer as a result of any party being privy to your personal information;
4. Agree that you may use the forums only for personal, non-commercial purposes.
3. You acknowledge and agree that the owner shall be entitled, in its sole discretion and for any reason, to prohibit you, from participating in any discussion in any of the forums.


1. You agree that your communications on this website may be intercepted, as defined in the Regulation of Interception of Communications Act 70 of 2002 (as amended), by the owner or any other competent authority.


1. Except where stated otherwise in these terms and conditions, the owner’s address for the service of any notice is: Physical address: 69 Camdeboo Road, Fourways Gardens Estate, Fourways, 2191. Tel: +27 11 465 7731
2. All notices to the owner must be marked for the attention of Management. All notices of a legal nature or relating to legal proceedings must be delivered by registered post to the postal address of the owner and also either delivered by hand to the physical address of the owner.
3. Notices given to the above addresses will only be deemed to have been duly given:
1. 3 days after delivery, if delivered by hand to the owner’s physical address;
2. 3 days after confirmed successful transmission, if sent to the owner’s email address.


1. Subject to clause 12.2.4 below, any dispute declared by you and any claim that you may have against the owner arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or the use of the website or the website content, including after termination, cancellation or amendment of these terms and conditions, will be referred to arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1965 (as amended) or any replacement Act and will take place in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa.
2. Subject to clause 12.2.4 below, if the owner declares a dispute with you, or wishes to institute any claim or legal proceedings against you arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or your use of the website or of the website content, the owner reserves the right to deal with the matter in a forum of its choice, which will include but will not be limited to the courts of the Republic of South Africa. This right will continue to apply after termination, cancellation or amendment of these terms and conditions.
3. You agree that the owner is entitled, but is not obliged, to institute any proceedings arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or your use of the website or of the website content, in any magistrates’ court in the Republic of South Africa having jurisdiction over you, even though the cause of action in question exceeds the jurisdiction of that court.
4. Neither you nor the owner will be precluded from obtaining interim relief on an urgent basis from a court of competent jurisdiction pending the institution or resolution of a dispute or other legal proceedings.


1. Any costs, including legal costs on attorney and own client scale and value-added tax, incurred by the owner arising out of your use of this website or the website content, or a breach of these terms and conditions, will be borne by you.


1. You may not cede, assign, or transfer any of your rights and obligations in these terms and conditions without the prior written consent of the owner.
2. The owner is entitled to cede, assign, or transfer any of the owner’s rights and obligations in these terms and conditions without your prior written consent and without notice to you.


1. The clause headings in these terms and conditions have been inserted for convenience only and will not be taken into consideration in the interpretation or affect the constructions of these terms and conditions.
2. Any reference in these terms and conditions to the singular includes the plural and vice versa. Any reference in these terms and conditions to natural persons includes legal persons. References to any gender include references to the other genders and vice versa.
3. Unless the context requires otherwise or it is expressly stated to the contrary, any words and phrases:
1. Defined in these terms and conditions will bear the same meaning throughout these terms and conditions;
2. Not defined in these terms and conditions but defined in the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act will bear the same meaning given to them in the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
4. In the event that any of the terms of these terms and conditions are found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms will be severable from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable.
5. References to “writing” or notices “in writing” by the owner in these terms and conditions only includes writing on paper signed in ink by an authorised representative of the owner and specifically excludes any writing that may be in electronic form.
6. No relaxation or indulgence that the owner may grant to you will be deemed to be a waiver of any of the owner’s rights in these terms and conditions or in law.
7. In the event of any conflict between these terms and conditions and any additional terms and conditions, the additional terms and conditions will prevail.
8. The termination of the agreement created by these terms and conditions will be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that you or the owner may be entitled to under this agreement or at law, and will not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of you or the owner nor the coming into or continuance in force of any provision of these terms and conditions that is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.

Website Privacy Policy
1. Parties

1. This privacy policy is issued by and on behalf of Fourways Gardens Home Owners Association (“Fourways Gardens HOA”).
2. The use of terms like ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’ must be understood as references to Fourways Gardens HOA and its affiliated structures.
3. The privacy policy set out herein includes any additional documents incorporated by reference (“privacy policy”), and applies to any person who uses, accesses, refers to, or views any part of this website (“you” or “your”, including cognitive terms).


1. Fourways Gardens HOA is committed to protecting your personal information. We promise to use your personal information only in ways that are compatible with this privacy policy.
2. We understand the importance of protecting your personal information and as such we subscribe to the principles, outlined in section 51 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002.
3. All information collected on our website is treated as confidential. Information is primarily collected by engaging with you through i.e. subscriptions to our newsletters, mailing list, email or contacting us directly.
4. Fourways Gardens HOA believes that it is an important responsibility to protect all of your personal information. To better protect your privacy, Fourways Gardens HOA provides the following policies that apply to this website, in terms of which Fourways Gardens HOA undertakes to prevent any leakage, misuse or alteration of your personal information to the best of our ability.
5. The aim of this privacy policy is to give you notice and inform you how Fourways Gardens HOA collects and processes your personal data through your use of this website.


1. This privacy policy is not to be read and interpreted in isolation – it is to be read in line with the terms and conditions located on our website, the terms of use located on our website, and any other further notices which we may post on our website from time to time.
2. This privacy policy must be interpreted as supplemental to other notices located on this website and must not be understood as overriding.


1. Personal information includes your name, address, age, telephone number, e-mail address, any information that personally identifies you, or any information that is specific to you, and must be understood so as to include, inter alia, your name; email and/or physical address; fixed or mobile phone number; location; online identifier; race or ethnic origin; gender; age; religious or philosophical beliefs; health or biometric information; culture; language; education; medical, financial, criminal or employment history, including allegations of the commissioning of offences and proceedings in respect of these allegations; your personal opinions, views or preferences; and another person’s views or opinions about you.


1. Every computer connected to the internet is given a domain name and a set of numbers that serve as its IP address. When you visit a page on any website within our network, our web servers recognise your domain name and IP address.
2. Fourways Gardens HOA automatically receives your IP address, cookie information or information on any web pages that you review and records this information onto our server. This information is gathered to be used in the process of customising our website contents.
3. We use this information to examine our traffic in aggregate, but do not collect and evaluate the data of individuals.
4. When Fourways Gardens HOA collects the personal information you submit to this website, Fourways Gardens HOA clearly indicates its purpose, and so does within its necessary limitation.
5. If you prefer not to provide your personal information to Fourways Gardens HOA, you can deny the submission on your own decision. However, please note that by denying your personal information submission, you may not be able to utilise some of the services on this website that require the submission of your personal information.
6. We also collect, use, and share aggregated data, such as statistical data, for any purpose deemed necessary by Fourways Gardens HOA or its affiliated structures.
7. Aggregated data refers to data that is incapable of revealing your personal information, and is used for the purposes of answering various market-related questions. We undertake to never mass your personal data, i.e. data which can reveal your exact identity, with aggregated data.


1. Fourways Gardens HOA only uses your personal information within the specific purpose that is indicated to you. We will inform you beforehand if an occasion arises where we will need to use your personal information beyond the purpose originally indicated to you. If you do not agree, you can deny the usage of your personal information.
2. We will treat your personal information with the utmost confidentiality and will only share your information with our officers, directors, members, employees, agents and services providers required to be given access to the information. We will not share, rent or sell this information to any other third parties.
3. Information which we may collect from you may be used for, inter alia, the following:

1. to compile a broad profile of visitors who access and transact via the website.
2. to establish general demographics, statistics or market information of website users;
3. to identify you, verify your identity, create a user account for you and enter into a contract with you;
4. to notify you about any changes to our websites, systems, services, privacy policies and notices, products, terms and conditions of sale, terms of use, or any other relevant change that in any way alters the relationship existent between you and Fourways Gardens HOA;
5. to provide you with a catalogue of our new products and services from time to time;
6. to tailor our products and services to you, including our marketing solutions, based on the information we receive;
7. to provide you with information related to any competitions and promotions and to market our products and services, subject to your right to refuse direct marketing communications; and
8. responding to queries you may have asked us through the website.
4. We may receive other information about you that is publicly or commercially available and combine it with the information we have collected about or received from you in other ways.


1. Fourways Gardens HOA does not disclose, transfer or lend the personal information you submit to our website to any third parties, save:

1. when we obtain your permission;
2. when we find it necessary to disclose it to Fourways Gardens HOA-affiliated companies, subsidiaries or agencies in order to answer any inquiries from you;
3. when we find it necessary to disclose information to other companies or persons with which Fourways Gardens HOA contracts, that have confidentiality agreements with Fourways Gardens HOA, in order to implement what was indicated to you;
4. when such information is required to protect our legitimate business interests, such as the processes of recording-keeping or debt collection;
5. when such information is processed into non-personally identifiable information as statistical data;
6. in cases of urgent circumstances to protect people’s life, body, or property.
7. in cases of being required by law to disclose such information or to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on Fourways Gardens HOA;
8. to protect and defend the rights or property of the Fourways Gardens HOAs’ network of websites.
9. to identify people who may be violating the law, a legal notice or the rights of third parties; and
10. to co-operate with the investigation of purported unlawful activities.
2. We use reasonable precautions to keep the information disclosed to us secure. When you submit your personal information on this website, we will use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or other equivalent methods to protect the transmission of data.
3. Accordingly, you submit your personal information at your own risk and we are not responsible for any breach of security or the actions of any third parties that receive such information.
4. Be aware that the security measures we take cannot be guaranteed to be safe from intrusion by all unauthorised persons and Fourways Gardens HOA can take no responsibility for unauthorised, unintended access to your personal information by third parties.


1. You have the right to:

1. Request access to your personal data (commonly referred to as a ‘data subject access request’). You have the right to receive a copy of your personal information, which is held by us, so as to enable you to ensure that we are lawfully processing it.
2. Request the correction of the information we hold about you. You have the right to request the correction of any incomplete or inaccurate data that we hold about you, subject to our right to request the verification of such corrected data.
3. Request the transfer of your data to a third party or yourself. You have the right to request that we transfer to yourself or a designated third party, any personal information we hold about you. This excludes the transfer of aggregated data, or data that cannot be used to reveal your identity.
4. Withdraw your given consent which allows us to keep and process your data. You have the right to inform us that you no longer consent to the holding and processing of your personal information. This right entitles you, inter alia, to erasure of your personal data. This excludes the erasure of data that has been aggregated, as described above, with the aim of providing market-related information, or data that cannot be used to reveal your identity.
5. Object to how we are processing data about you. You have the right to object to any use of your personal data, subject to the terms of this privacy policy.
6. Request restriction of how we are processing data about you. You have the right to request that we restrict how we use your personal data, subject to the terms of this privacy policy.
7. Request the erasure of your personal data. You have the right to request that we erase permanently all personal data which can be used to identify you, subject to the terms of this privacy policy. We endeavour to erase, in a timeous manner, any personal information as described above, upon receipt of a request for erasure.


1. Fourways Gardens HOA is also committed to protecting personal information of any website visitors who are under the age of 18.
2. Fourways Gardens HOA recommends guardians to review the website when website visitors under the age of 18 access this website.
3. If you are under the age of 18, please provide your personal information with the consent of your guardian.


1. Cookies are IDs consisting of alphabets and numbers that this website sends to your computer hard drive through your web browser. The system on this website uses Cookies to recognise your browser and can provide functions such as storing your access information until your next website visit.
2. Fourways Gardens HOA or its advertisers may from time to time make use of cookies. Cookies allows a web-server to collect information about the User for purposes amongst others to identify which areas of Steyn City Properties’ network of websites you have visited or customised, so the next time you visit, those pages are easily accessible.
3. You can set up the browser not to receive new Cookies, to arrange a warning to appear on the screen when Cookies are received or to void the cookie functions (please refer to help in your browser’s toolbar).
4. It will solely be on the discretion of the User to either accept or refuse cookies through the settings on its internet web browser or alternatively use a programme or application to control the use of cookies by any website.
5. If you choose not to accept these cookies, your experience at our website may be diminished and some features may not work as intended.
6. Information collected through the website is stored in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public.


1. We may request your email or postal address or phone number for the purpose of conducting a survey or to provide additional services.
2. Whenever we request your identity, we will indicate the purpose of the enquiry before the information is requested.
3. We maintain a strict “no-spam” policy – we will not give your email address to a third party without your consent. In addition, we will not send you an email that you have not agreed to receive, although we may from time to time send you an email announcing new products and services.
4. Wherever we collect information, we make an effort to include a link to this privacy policy on that page.


1. The Fourways Gardens HOA website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies adopted by these websites.
2. The inclusion of any links on our website does not imply recommendation or endorsement by us or any of our affiliates. Use of or reliance by you of any links on the website is at your own risk.
3. You are prohibited from creating any links to the website without the prior written consent from Fourways Gardens HOA.


1. In the event that you elect to be added to Fourways Gardens HOA mailing list or subscribe to a Fourways Gardens HOA newsletter we use the information we collect to better meet your needs by sending you information on latest news and new services which may be of interest to you.
2. From time to time we will email you information about us or our affiliates, if you do not wish to receive this e-mail you can opt out by unsubscribing or e-mailing us. Please refer to our contact e-mail addresses below.


1. Fourways Gardens HOA will never request you to provide personal information such as credit card or debit card or banking details, ATM Pins, password etc, or ask you to verify or confirm your information by clicking on a link.
2. In the event that you receive an unsolicited e-mail that appears on the face of it to be from Fourways Gardens HOA which requests you to provide personal information such as credit card or debit card or banking details, ATM Pins, password etc, or asks you to verify or confirm your information by clicking on a link, it is not from Fourways Gardens HOA.
3. Fourways Gardens HOA would never ask for such information via an email, we strongly urge that you do not respond to these emails and does not click on any links to such an email.
4. Responding to such an email places your personal information at risk.
5. Fourways Gardens HOA shall not be held liable from any consequences arising from such fraudulent emails.


1. Please note that on the website we have links to our social media pages.
2. You must be aware that any information or material you may post on our social media pages will become public information.
3. You must be careful of the material or information you post on our social media pages.
4. Fourways Gardens HOA shall not be held liable for any information or material you publish on our social media pages through our website.


1. We do not share with any of the websites to which we link any of the individual information you provide to us, although we may share aggregate data with such websites, such as data on how many people use our website. Please check with those websites to determine their privacy policies.
2. Keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online, that information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return.
3. Ultimately, you are the one responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your personal information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online.


1. By using our websites, you consent to the collection and use of information by Fourways Gardens HOA as specified above.
2. We reserve the right without notice to change, modify, amend, add to, or remove portions or whole parts of this Privacy Policy from time to time permanently or temporarily.
3. All updates and/or amendments to this Privacy Policy are effective on the date we publish them on the website.
4. The responsibility is on you to determine whether any updates and/or amendments have been made to this Privacy Policy.
5. Any major policy revisions will be posted on our website in an easy-to-find and timely manner.
6. The continued use of the website by you after the updates or amendments have been made to the Privacy Policy has the effect of you agreeing to be bound by the new terms of the Privacy Policy.


1. If you would like to inquire, make any corrections, or request deletion of your personal information, please place your request by contacting us via email at


1. The terms and conditions expressed above constitutes the whole agreement and Fourways Gardens HOA and you are bound by this privacy policy.


1. If only part of the terms of this Privacy Policy are found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms shall be severable from the remaining terms in this privacy policy, which shall remain valid and enforceable.


1. Any indulgence, leniency or extension of time which Fourways Gardens HOA may give to you shall not operate as an estoppel or in any way prejudice Fourways Gardens HOA or preclude Fourways Gardens HOA from exercising any of its rights.


1. If you have any queries in relation to this Privacy Policy, including requests for the deletion of your personal information, please contact us. Our contact details are as follows:

1. Address: 69 Camdeboo Road, Fourways Gardens Estate, Fourways, 2191.
2. Telephone: 011 465 7731
3. Email:
2. If you are dissatisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you have the right to refer it to the Information Regulator, the supervisory authority for data protection issues in South Africa. The Information Regulator’s contact details are:

1. Address: SALU Building, 316 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, 0002.
2. Telephone: 012 406 4818
3. Email: